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We can update Administrative and Technical contacts for registered .ca domains. Please submit a support ticket and include the domain name and new Admin and Technical contact information. Once updated, CIRA sends an approval email to the previous Admin email address to confirm that the updates are correct. However, if these changes are NOT confirmed, they will not be saved at the CIRA.

If this email address is no longer valid, CIRA requires a Manual Change of Administrative Contact Email (MCACE) form to be submitted. This form can be found at the CIRA website: Once the MCAC form has been filled out, please submit a Support Center Ticket from your account. At this point there are two options available to you. Either scan the MCAC form and attach the document to your Support Center Ticket or you can FAX the form to 425-974-4791. If you choose to FAX the document to eNom, please include the Incident ID number (i.e. xxxxxx-xxxxxx) from the Support Center Ticket that you created.

The registrant of a .ca domain cannot be changed once the registration has been approved.